Baby Munchkin
A toddler is excited for the arrival of her baby sister, whom she decides MUST be named Baby Munchkin! Expanding families will enjoy this sweet and humorous story that will help prepare young children for the arrival of a new sibling.
Author: Stacy Salomone Whitcomb
Publisher: Briley & Baxter Publications
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Story Board / Color Key
First, the author, Stacy, and I sat down and broke the story into pages and spreads. Then, I had fun exploring how to depict the character’s journey and sketched several ideas for each page.
Line Art
Once the concept for each page was decided, I created line art that would be the foundation for the final artwork. I used this phase to work out details in the character design and environment.
Final Illustrations
Rendering the full-color illustrations was the longest part of the process but also the most satisfying as I saw the book come together.